Micka - quick help
- Foreword
- Metadata querying
- Metadata editing
- Administration
- Metadata filling guidelines
- Creation INSPIRE Atom download service in Micka
1. Foreword
Micka is the software for spatial data / services metadata management according to ISO, OGC and INSPIRE standards.
Supported standards
System is able to implement any standard based on XML document. For implementation separate administration modul is required
These standards are implemented:
- Spatial data metadata (ISO 19115)
- Spatial services metadata (ISO 19119)
- Feature catalog (ISO 19110)
- Dublin Core metadata (ISO 15836)
Additional metadata elements and user metadata profiles can be used.
These profiles are default in the system:
- ISO 19115 mandatory elements
- ISO 19115 core elements
- ISO 19115 full standard
- INSPIRE 19115/19119
- MICKA profile (INSPIRE + ISO core elements and some additional to cover the most user requirements)
- User defined
The user may change the profile during editing.
Language environment
Application interface if multi-lingual, currently 12 languages are supported.
The offered language list is set in configuration file. The interface language may be selected by clicking the falg on the page header.
Metadata itself may be also multilingual. The user defines main language and other languages during
record creation or record administration. In all cases UTF-8 codepage is used.
2. Metadata querying
The application enables basic metadata querying. More complex queries are enabled via catalogue service (OGC CSW 2.0.2), which is a part of the application.
Pressing on left menu this query form is activated.
3. Metadata editing
Logged users can create, edit, import/export and delete metadata records accordint to their rights.
4. Administration
Administrators have acces to this part.
5. Metedata editing guidelines
Metadata editing requires some knowledge of standards, hence some education training or some consultation are recommneded.
6. Creation INSPIRE Atom download service
This application enables creation of INSPIRE Atom download service withou any programming. Only by filling corresponding metadata.